Maxworth Realty India Reviews - What Should You Know About Advance Payments While Buying a Home?


Maxworth Realty India Reviews - What Should You Know About Advance Payments While Buying a Home? 

Maxworth Realty Reviews - Buying a home is an exciting and life-changing experience, but it can also be a stressful and overwhelming process. One of the essential aspects of buying a home is understanding the advance payments that you'll need to make. Advance payments are the payments you make before or during the buying process. These payments can include the down payment, earnest money deposit, closing costs, and prepaid expenses. In this blog post, we'll explore these different types of advance payments and what you need to know about them.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

The earnest money deposit, or EMD, is a deposit that you pay to the seller to show that you're serious about buying the property. The amount of EMD can vary from state to state, but it typically ranges from 1% to 5% of the purchase price. When you make an offer on a home, you'll typically include an EMD with your offer.

According to maxworth realty india reviews, If the sale goes through, the EMD is typically applied to the down payment or closing costs. If the sale falls through, you may be able to get your EMD back, depending on the terms of the contract. However, if you back out of the contract without a valid reason, the seller may be able to keep your EMD.

It's important to note that the EMD is not the same as the down payment. The EMD is a separate payment that you make to show your commitment to buying the property, while the down payment is the amount you pay upfront to secure a mortgage and buy a home.

Down Payment

The down payment is the amount you pay upfront to secure a mortgage and buy a home. The down payment is usually a percentage of the home's purchase price, and it typically ranges from 3% to 20%. The higher the down payment, the lower your monthly mortgage payments will be.

Example by maxworth realty india reviews, if you're buying a home for 2,45,85,990 INR and you make a 20% down payment (49,17,198 INR), you'll need to borrow 1,96,68,792 INR from the lender. If you make a 3% down payment (7,37,579 INR), you'll need to borrow 23848410 INR from the lender.

In general, it's recommended to make a larger down payment if you can afford it. A larger down payment can help you secure a better interest rate and lower your monthly mortgage payments. However, it's important to keep in mind that a larger down payment means that you'll have less cash on hand for other expenses, such as closing costs and moving expenses.

Closing Costs

Closing costs are the fees associated with the purchase of a home. The closing costs typically range from 2% to 5% of the home's purchase price. The closing costs cover various expenses such as appraisal fees, title insurance, loan origination fees, and attorney fees. 

Some common closing costs include:

  • Appraisal fees: The cost of having a professional appraiser assess the value of the property.

  • Title insurance: The cost of protecting the lender and the buyer against any defects in the title.

  • Loan origination fees: The cost of processing the mortgage application and underwriting the loan.

  • Attorney fees: The cost of hiring an attorney to review the closing documents and ensure that everything is in order.

Prepaid Expenses

Prepaid expenses are expenses that you pay in advance before closing on the home. Prepaid expenses include things like property taxes, homeowners insurance, and mortgage insurance. Property taxes are usually paid annually, but they can also be paid in installments. If you're buying a home that has property taxes due soon, you may need to pay the property taxes upfront at closing. Homeowners insurance is another prepaid expense that you'll need to pay before closing. Homeowners insurance protects your home and personal property from damage or loss, and it's required by most lenders.

Mortgage insurance is another prepaid expense that you may need to pay if you're putting less than 20% down on the home. Mortgage insurance protects the lender in case you default on the loan, and it's typically required until you've built up 20% equity in the home.

It's important to note that prepaid expenses can vary depending on the location of the home and the terms of your mortgage. You should work closely with your lender and real estate agent to understand the specific prepaid expenses that you'll need to pay.

Budgeting for Advance Payments

Advance payments can add up quickly, so it's essential to budget for them in advance. When you're budgeting for advance payments, it's important to consider all of the different types of payments, including the down payment, EMD, closing costs, and prepaid expenses.

To budget for advance payments, you'll need to consider your current financial situation and how much you can afford to spend on a home. You'll also need to consider your future financial goals and how much you'll need to save for things like retirement, emergencies, and other expenses.

If you're having trouble budgeting for advance payments, consider working with a financial advisor or a housing counselor. These professionals can help you understand your options and create a budget that works for your unique situation.


Advance payments are a crucial aspect of buying a home, and it's essential to understand the different types of payments that you'll need to make. By understanding the maxworth realty reviews points on different types of advance payments, including the EMD, down payment, closing costs, and prepaid expenses, you can budget for them in advance and ensure that you're prepared for the costs associated with buying a home.

Remember to work closely with your lender and real estate agent to ensure that you have a clear understanding of all the costs associated with buying a home. With careful planning and budgeting, you can make your home buying experience as stress-free and rewarding as possible. Want more information you can visit maxworth realty website or you can see consumers maxworth realty india reviews.


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